Whakapā mai
Mehemea he kōrero whai hua, he pātai rānei āu mō tēnei paetukutuku, tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou.
Ministry of Education National office
Mātauranga House
33 Bowen Street
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666
Mehemea he kōrero whai hua, he pātai rānei āu mō tēnei paetukutuku, tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou.
Ministry of Education National office
Mātauranga House
33 Bowen Street
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666
I tapaina tēnei rauemi ko He Rau Taki Kōrero, he rau nō ngā huarahi ako hei taki i te reo-ā-waha o te ākonga. He raurau hoki tēnei, he ipu e kawe nei i ētahi akoranga hei tautoko i a Whakarongo me...
Te Paparahi - Te Reo Rangatira Teaching and Learning Materials 11–13
An interactive digital resource to support Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: Taumata 6–7 students to access authentic reo Māori.